Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Native American History Native Americans - 1099 Words

Native Americans A few thousands of years before the famous and high recognized explore Christopher Columbus’ ships landed in the Bahamas, a distinctive group of people discovered America. The ancestors of modern Native Americans who hiked over a â€Å"land bridge† from Asia more than 12,000 years ago. In fact, there is an estimate that more than 50 million people were already living in the Americas. As time passed, these migrants and their descendants pushed south and east, adapting as they went. In order to keep track of these diverse groups, anthropologists and geographers have divided them into â€Å"culture areas,† or rough groupings of contiguous peoples who shared similar habitats and characteristics. The history of the Native American community goes back thousands of years. Native American history covers tribes who built cities and other who subsisted by simple hunting and fishing. Some tribes had quite sophisticated forms of trade, and in later generations, money was used. Other tribes were mainly hunters and gatherers and wished to remain so. Native American history often includes battles between tribes, and the Iroquois were known as effective warriors. However, they included tribes they conquered into their sophisticated political system which included governing many small nations and forming legislative bodies. When European explorers settled the continent, many tribes who once fought against each other were joined by a common enemy. However, some tribes were soShow MoreRelatedNative American History : Native Americans1879 Words   |  8 Pages†¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯Native American Lives Since the beginning of time, conquering other societies has been a common occurrence. Almost every battle that has taken place has been documented. When stories of past battles are retold, only one side of the tale gets told, the victor’s side. In history, the ones who have been defeated never get to present their perspective of the tragic quarrels. Most never even lived to tell the stories, but the ones who do survive are not thought of as important accounts in history.Read MoreNative Americans And American History988 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout history, relationships between the Native Americans and the United States have been nothing but battle torn, and unfortunately have followed a consistent path of betrayal. There is no denying the universal fact that Native Americans have been unfairly treated and portrayed throughout American history. According to American history written during and after the war the Indian Wars that occurred were very subjective, and prejudiced in its depiction of the Native Americans. For example oneRead MoreNative Americans And American History1036 Words   |  5 PagesNative Americans do not experience enough social, political, and economic equality today because their stereotypes are portrayed in media, they do not have enough government representation, and they are not as well off as most Americans. Education plays a big part in how Native Americans are represented. Many schools, according to â€Å"The Coddling of the American Mind,† are overprotective of their students, thus censoring and limiting some important topics that students are required to learn. ThisRead MoreAmerican History: Native Americans 829 Words   |  3 PagesHave you ever wondered what it would be like to be Native American during the European invasion? In American history Native Americans were treated unfairly. The American government mistreated the Natives by lying to them and treating them as foreigners. After years of fighting for freedom the Natives did not achieve their goal for freedom. The Trail of Tears, being the most tragic event in American history, was due to the Removal Act in the 1830s, the misguidance of President Andrew Jackson, theRead MoreNative Americans And American History1396 Words   |  6 PagesNative Americans have remained a prominent aspect of American history; not jus t a history of the people, but a history of the land and the extensive traditions that shadowed it, like footprints in the sand. However, when the Europeans staggered over with indifference towards the natives and their unusual customs, a conflict erupted that dates back hundreds of years and continues into the present. As the United States grew further more intolerant of the natives, the daring judgment to either assimilateRead MoreNative Americans And American History Essay969 Words   |  4 PagesNative Americans, or Indians, as they were mistakenly called, have been the â€Å"pathetic footnotes to the main course of American history† (Axtell 981). But James Axtell, the author of Colonial America without the Indians: Counterfactual Reflections, would beg to differ. He says that instead, Indians played a key role in making America great. James Murray gives another term to describe America’s greatness: America’s â€Å"exceptionalism.† Throughout his art icle Axtell makes many points as to why IndiansRead MoreNative Americans History1879 Words   |  7 PagesWhen asking a child, educated or not, what they ideas are when they hear the term Native American where does they mind venture to? More than likely do they not consider the former House of Representative, Charles D. Curtis or professor pitcher Joba Chamberlain. But they also do not think of a Native American as being an average person, a boy/girl like themselves. What children believe to be Native American are descriptions such as, feather headdresses, tomahawks, and long braided hair or scalpedRead MoreThe American Of Native American History Essay2006 Words   |  9 PagesLong before Europeans landed on the east coast of the American continent, native peoples were living and thriving across the land. This is historical fact that is taught in schools across the country. However, much of the rest of Native American history that we are exposed to in schools really does not refl ect truth. While the broad lessons capture parts of the story, the reality is that much of the history is distorted and paints an inaccurate picture of the tribes and how they were treated by settlersRead MoreNative American History And History785 Words   |  4 PagesAs we speak and history verifies the very fact of the long-standing planning practices of American Indian that had enabled them to survive through every hurdle placed in the way. Although many Native American societies didn’t have a written language, many tribes were advanced enough and had written history or organized spiritual ceremonies and practices. Many tribes were destroyed and others moved far away from their ancestral home. Since the origin, and till now, American Indians have been ableRead MoreThe History of Native Americans Essay1102 Words   |  5 Pagesbrought suffering and death to Native American tribes. In the United States, Indian groups were willing to live with the newcomers until relations were strained by the continuing immigration to its territory, loss of resources, diseases and among other. Certainly, there were cultural differences between Indians and newcomers, but at the beginning; diplomacy, communication and consideration made the relations between them more bearable, but after a while, native were faced with people who

Monday, December 16, 2019

Reminiscences of the Japanese Occupation Free Essays

In his seventies, Mr Rajoo is my uncle. He showed great enthusiasm and related his experience in Tamil during the 3 hours interview. His accounts shed light on the ways how individuals inject meanings to a particular subject. We will write a custom essay sample on Reminiscences of the Japanese Occupation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Background Mr Rajoo was born in 1930. He was the second son in a family of 10 children. His family lived in a village in Sembawang which was near to one of the Naval Base which was owned by the British. When the Japanese invaded Singapore, Rajoo’s family staying in North of Singapore then they moved as far as Tampinese. His family used a bullock cart to transport some of their properties. They stayed away from their home for a year. Then they returned to their village. So he had a chance to witness the Japanese rule in other parts of Singapore as well as his own hometown. The Dark Years of Japanese Occupation The impending presence of the Japanese on Mr Rajoo’s daily life was felt as early as 1941. As a 11 years old boy, his family and he faced severe shortage of food and other necessities like medical. ( Q1 ) When the British surrendered, they did not want Japanese to enjoy the fruit of their labour. All the rice in the warehouse was sprayed with limestone. As limestone is white, the Japanese did not suspect any foul play by the British . So those who ate the rice had diarrhea . Japanese took over much of the foodstuffs and other goods for the use of their army. Due to the food shortage, essential food stuffs like rice, salt and sugar were controlled. Ration cards which limited the amount of food for each person was given out. ( Q4 ) His family lived on a simple diet and found other food substitutes for those food items which were scarce. Tapioca and sweet potatoes were used as substitutes for rice ( Q3 ) and palm oil or coconut oil was used as cooking oil. Even in schools pupils grew and took care of the vegetable plots. This was the widespread situation in Singapore during the Syonan-To years. Many historians have written about the food scarcity during the Syonan rule. There are a lot of evidence to state that during the Japanese rule, many people suffered from malnutrition and diseases as they did not have well balanced meal. Those taken as prisoners of war also suffered under the iron grip of the Japanese and many died out of malnutrition. Transport during the Japanese reign Mr Rajoo recalls bicycles being widely used as mode of transport during the Japanese reign. (Q6) So much so that even after the Japanese surrender, Rajoo and the other villagers working in the Sembawang Shipyard used bicycles as mearns of transport to travel to work. Tri-shaw which consisted of a bicycle with a side-car attached for a fare-paying passenger replaced the former richshaw. He stated that the Japanese bicycles had only thin solid rubber tyres. He also recalls in the interview to have seen a lot of motorcars before the Japanese rule and not during the Syonan-To period. Some historians state that there must have been tens of thousands of vehicles, many new and the majority of the rest in good condition were used by the Japanese. These great fleet of transport fell to the Japanese as booty, when they captured Singapore. However, the lack of spare parts, or technical skill, or both, made the fleet diminish rapidly to a deplorable state so much so that it almost faded by the time the Japanese surrendered. Transport was a big problem for the local people tthroughout the Occupation. (1) The Japanese were in control of the world’s rubber and many oil fields. 2) They forced many motor vehicles to run on coal gases or inferior petrol made from vegetable sources. Public vehicles dwindled and cars ceased to be available for almost all other than Japanese. School Experiences Mr Rajoo recalled how he had to learn Japanese language in his school. He could still recall some Japanese sentences. ( Q5 ) It is remarkable to know that even after 60 years he is able to remember some Japanese sentences. (Q5) All this had been instilled in the young minds at a very tender impressionable age to gain people’s allegiance . School children were taught to face the direction of Tokyo where the Japan Emperor resided and sing the Japanese Anthem. (Q5 ) So the Japanese tried to influence the school children to become patriotic towards Japan. This is another aspect of their rule where they tried out propagandas. Several historians have concurred the same evidence regarding the Japanese intention to remove the western influence and premote the Japanese culture and values. Japanese lessons were published in the newspapers and broadcast over the radio. In order to encourage people to learn the Japanese language, job privileges and extra allowances were given. Different methods were used to influence the minds of the people in Singapore. Radio stations were controlled by the Japanese and radio sets were sealed so that people could only listen to local broadcasts. Those caught tuning in to foreign broadcasting stations were severely punished or killed. Through the interview, I realized that Rajoo’s family and the villagers also did not own any radios. They were afraid of being punished. Japanese – The Disciplinarians Tthroughout the Syonan-To rule, the people were constantly living in fear because the Japanese took harsh action to establish control over the people. Those caught looting were shot or beheaded and their heads were displayed at public places. Those who were passing by must witness such a scene if not they will be called back to look directly at the decapitated head. ( Q8 ) Barbed wire was also put up across roads to form roadblocks. The Japanese guards would make the people passing by to bow to them as a sign of respect. Anyone who did not do so would be slapped, killed or punished in some ways. When the children forget to show respect to the Japanese soldiers, these soldiers will use their knuckles to hit on the children’s forehead . Those sthrong men found at home not working will be immediately sent to work. ( Q8 ) Those who were sick should still report to work. They despised men idling. The Japanese Treatment of the 3 main races in Singapore According Mr Rajoo the Chinese suffered the most during the Japanese Occupation. Many Chinese in Singapore had sent money to help China fight Japan. So the Japanese wanted to weed out the anti-Japanese sentiment among the population. They carried out the Sook Ching Operation. They ordered all Chinese men between 18 to 50 years of age to report at the mass screening centers. Then the men will be questioned. The Japanese, however, had no proper way of finding out who were against them. Those who the Japanese thought were against them were taken away in lorries. Thousands of Chinese were taken in this way to Changi Beach or other beaches where they were shot. ( Q7 ) Some Chinese who very desperate to save their lives disguised themselves as Indians or Malays to avoid the scrutiny of the Japanese soldiers. Mr Rajoo recalled that Japanese were not overly suspicious of Indians nor the Malays. However, anybody who were thought to have acted against the Japanese interest were severely dealt with. They will be either punished or killed. (Q7) Japanese role in instigating nationalistic feeling According to Mr Rajoo, the Japanese associated Indians in Singapore with Gandhi and his movement in India. Gandhi was fighting for India’s freedom from the British Colonial power. Japanese told the Indians in Singapore that Japan would help India to get rid of the British rulers. They also wanted all Indians to join the Indian National Army to fight the British in India. Subhas Chandra Bose, the founder of INA was allowed to come to Singapore to collect funds for his establishment. Historical facts also seemed to prove the relevance of his statement. From the interview, Mr Rajoo didn’t portray as someone anti-Japanese. Probably his family and he did not really undergo much torture by the Japanese. He definitely seemed to have welcomed the Japanese for one reason. The Light of the South From the interview one would deduce that Mr Rajoo sthrongly feels that the Japanese brought on the nationalistic fervor among the citizens. ( Q9 ) Nationalistic feeling caught onto some people like the forest fire and the thirst for independence was ignited due to Syonan-To. How to cite Reminiscences of the Japanese Occupation, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Human Resource Management Implementing Process

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management for Implementing Process. Answer: In order to select the skilled engineer at CERA, certain selection methods should be followed and implemented. Two of the methods of selecting the engineers have been discussed. Preliminary interview- This technique has always been effective for the organization as the before selecting people for any particular post, it is necessary to design the job requirements. Hence, the HR manager has to take the responsibility of the entire selection process (Kalleberg, 2013). By implementing this process, CERA could eliminate unqualified application based on the information provided in the application forms. The major focus of this particular method is to reject misfits. On the contrary, a preliminary interview is usually called a courtesy interview. It helps the company to form an effective public relation. For the post of engineers, the recruiters need to focus on the qualification of the candidates such as their academic records, project management knowledge, decision-making skills and problem solving techniques. Selection test After the preliminary interview process, the candidates who qualify the preliminary interview are now called for the selection test. In this particular test, some particular HR skills are examined. There are different types of tests conducted base on the requirements and the organization. However, for CERA, the recruiters need to focus on the skills that are research and civil engineering aspects. Notwithstanding, as the focus is on the aboriginal people, it is necessary to test their cultural skills, local market knowledge and other civil engineering aspects. In addition, the tests can also be conducted in the form of aptitude, personality and ability test to understand how effectively an individual could perform the activities related to the job (Campbell Knapp 2013). Once the candidates are qualified, they are asked for the next process. Discussing, merits, and difficulties of the chosen selection method As CERA is one of the largest research associations, it has different types of job categories ranging from HR activities to research designs. However, among the vast category, the post of engineering has been selected as the significant category for increasing the aboriginal people in the organization. There have been certain difficulties associated with chosen selection method. It has been observed that sometimes it becomes difficult for the organizations or the recruiters to select the candidates based on the preliminary interview and selection test. Most of the candidates are observed to be unsuccessful in dealing with the real life issues at the workplace (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). Many candidates lack the real-world knowledge; therefore, dealing with the fresher candidates based on the selected methods may not be effective. On the contrary, by selecting the aboriginal people, the organization could utilize the people to the fullest since aboriginal people have intensive knowledge about the market. For example, by selecting aboriginal people in engineering, the organization could justify its increasing workforce. The selected candidates for the post of engineering could further contribute to project management and research (Holmes, 2013). However, the organization could implement the above mentioned methods to select the aboriginal people as the company could gain other benefits such as intensive market knowledge. References Campbell, J. P., Knapp, D. J. (Eds.). (2013).Exploring the limits in personnel selection and classification. Psychology Press. Holmes, L. (2013). Competing perspectives on graduate employability: possession, position or process?.Studies in Higher Education,38(4), 538-554. Kalleberg, A. L. (2013). Book review symposium: Response to Reviews of Arne L Kalleberg, Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s to 2000s.Work, Employment Society,27(5), 896-898. Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), 1-14.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Examine how Shakespeare explores the role of women in Hamlet Essay Example

Examine how Shakespeare explores the role of women in Hamlet Paper Frailty, thy name is woman Hamlet famously exclaims in the first act of William Shakespeares longest drama, and one of the most probing plays ever to be performed on stage. It was written around the year 1600 in the final years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, an era of real uncertainty and confusion; while the prospect of Elizabeths death and the question of who would succeed her brought grave anxiety to the nation as a whole, the rise of the Renaissance movement gave rise to many challenges and unanswered questions to the old ideals and beliefs that were for such a long time embedded in every Englishmans soul and mind. Women during that time had no role in society; traditionally, they occupied different spheres to men and so were expected to be completely obedient to their husbands, to do all the house duties and to raise their children up on the very same image of society at the time. In Hamlet, through the characters of Gertrude and Ophelia, Shakespeare reflects on this truth: both are disrespected, insulted, abused and manipulated by the leading male characters, and both die due to tragic circumstances. Thus, through the illustration of the two characters, Queen Gertrude and Ophelia, Shakespeare is able to explore the role of women in society, touching on many controversial contemporary issues under the mask of beautifully constructed lies of poetry and an unpredictable cycle of events, which tragically ends with the deaths of two of Shakespeares most infamous female characters. The use of Ophelia in Hamlet explores the idea of women as mere objects and pawns for others to use through the word love. We will write a custom essay sample on Examine how Shakespeare explores the role of women in Hamlet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Examine how Shakespeare explores the role of women in Hamlet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Examine how Shakespeare explores the role of women in Hamlet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Throughout the play, Ophelia is subjected to Hamlets abuse and madness as well as her own obedience to those of authority without real compensation or gratitude. The verbal abuse and manipulation that Hamlet puts Ophelia through as well as the ploy that Claudius and Polonius subject to her are examples of the extent to which men will use women in the name of love to benefit themselves. While such treatment would be shocking to a modern audience, in Shakespearean times the reality of the situation was, for most women, men did act in very much the same way Polonius does to his daughter Ophelia for example, or the way Hamlet treats his mother in the closet scene. One of the dramatic climaxes of the play, the closet scene provides an important insight into Gertrudes character and the way she, like Ophelia, is largely influenced by the male characters in the play. For Gertrude, the scene progresses as a sequence of great shocks, each of which weaken her resistance to Hamlets condemnation of her behaviour; she is haughty at the beginning, then afraid that Hamlet will hurt her, shocked and upset when Hamlet kills Polonius, overwhelmed by fear and panic as Hamlet accosts her and disbelieving when Hamlet sees the ghost. Finally, she is contrite towards her son and apparently willing to take his part and help him, having been convinced by Hamlets power of feeling. This illustrates what many critics have felt to be her central characteristic: her tendency to be dominated by powerful men and her need for men to show her what to think and how to feel. From this interpretation, it is easy to see why Gertrude would have turned to Claudius so soon after her husbands death, and also why she so quickly adopts Hamlets point of view in the closet scene. Moreover, it is perhaps due to her powerful instinct for self-preservation and advancement that leads Gertrude to rely too deeply on men. Not only does this interpretation explain her behaviour throughout much of the play, it also links her thematically to Ophelia, the plays other important female character, who is also submissive and utterly dependent on men. In act one scene three, almost as soon as Laertes finishes lecturing his sister about her sexuality, her father, Polonius gives Ophelia his advice about the matter as well. Here, Ophelia is what Feminist critic, Elaine Showalter, calls a consistent study in psychological intimidation, a girl terrified of her father, of her lover, and of life itself. In his movie Kenneth Branagh presents Ophelia as an intimidated victim. Polonius scoffs at Ophelias suggestion that Hamlets interest in her is romantic, and instead warns her that she had better not make him the grandfather of a bastard grandchild. Branagh shoots this scene in a chapel which in itself had overtones of patriarchal religion, sin, and guilt, but Branagh also chooses to film Ophelia and Polonius behind barred doors. This visualization helps convey how trapped by the men in her life Ophelia feels. Before she can scarcely vocalize them, Ophelias feelings are immediately negated by her brother and father, and worse, her fathers interests seem to lie less with his daughters feelings but more with his own reputation. In addition to the oppression and control exerted on her, Ophelia suffers from the Hamlets manipulation of her mentality. In some ways, it seems that he does it for simple pleasure and in other situations it seems he is simply trying to gain knowledge about the murder. In the confrontation with Ophelia, Hamlet is very abusive. He first claims that he never loved her and that the remembrances were not sent by him. His words Get thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners? some critics argue, reflects some of the true characteristics of Hamlet, and the men in this play in general: an ability to be cruel, which is brought out here with much emphasis. Hamlet then proceeds with, Wheres your father? which reveals his sense of unease about something and that he perhaps knows that he is being set up. Hamlet claims that he loves Ophelia, yet he criticizes and chastises her to such an extent that may have helped promote her madness. At the Mousetrap play, Hamlet is extremely vile. He talks of Nothing and the implications of the word are crude. To see also the extremes by which Hamlet treats Ophelia is overwhelming. Prior to the play, he insults her terribly and then compliments her at the play, No, good mother, heres metal more attractive (3. 2. 95), only to chastise her once again. Ophelia, being of a lower class, does nothing to escape this persecution and Hamlet seems to know this; he therefore plays off this, especially in the presence of Polonius and Claudius. One interpretation of the way Hamlet treats Ophelia at the Mousetrap play, and later on the way he deals with his mother in the closet scene, goes back to the idea of how women in the 17th century were treated like pawns at the hand of powerful men; thus the manipulation and verbal abuse of Hamlet as well as the plan of Claudius and Polonius can be seen as realities to the way that men will treat a women for the benefit of themselves. Contrary to this interpretation, some critics have argued that for Hamlet, the reality of the situation means that (he) must be their scourge and minister, meaning that he finds himself in a position whereby it is his responsibility to act as Gods agent punishing the wronged one and helping them to repent. While in his abuse of Gertrude in the closet scene, Hamlet can be seen to be Machiavellian in his cunning, wanting her to confirm her knowledge of Claudius crime or to see if she was complicit to it, a contrasting interpretation finds that Hamlet confronts his mother purely for personal reasons. In his need to convince her of his sanity, of Claudius guilt, and in his need of her love and care, Hamlet reprimands her to make her see reality the way he sees it. He feels anger for what he sees as her betrayal of his father, but in the end, having won her heart and in accordance with the Ghosts advice, he is tender and caring, asking of his mother: Forgive me this my virtue, and explaining his actions in the words I must be cruel only to be kind. In light of this view, it is not unforeseen to see a modern audience sympathising with Hamlet; not only has his father been murdered, but that the murderer himself is now married with his mother. Thus, in some way or another, Hamlets anger can be justified, and his caring attitude to his mother at the end of the closet scene can be seen as an indication of his love and respect for her despite all the events that have occurred. Gertrudes reaction to the events in this scene brings about much debate between critics and commentators of this play. Despite Gertrudes sobbing which links acts three and four together, we never get a translation of these profound heaves; Gertrude does not share a soliloquy with the audience and thus we have little sense of her as an individual. While some critics have seized on this as an example of how very little Shakespeare developed his female characters, others have seen it as a deliberate move to leave the characters and later events of the play ambiguous to the audience. As Linda Charnes says No one in this play knows or understands anyone else. Just as Gertrudes personality is left unclear throughout the play, the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan holds that the most striking characteristic of Hamlets language is its ambiguity: everything he says is transmitted, in various degrees, through metaphor, simile and, above all, wordplay. Despite his seven soliloquies and the very many lines he takes up from the play, his utterances, in other words, have a hidden and latent meaning which often surpasses the apparent meaning, leaving him just as ambiguous as any other character. In conclusion, in many of Shakespeares plays, women, though all from a variety of situations, play important roles that determine the conclusion of the plays. Hamlet is no exception; while it is easy to see Gertrude and Ophelia as fringe characters, a closer look finds that they impact the course of events in many ways, and are used by Shakespeare to echo many hidden messages about society of the time. Although much of her character is left undeveloped, Gertrude nevertheless has a significant impact on both the plot and theme of this play. Tragically, she drinks the poison from the cup Claudius prepares for Hamlet as a show of her love and sacrifice for her son. Yet, it is through this act that we begin to understand Gertrude as a deeply misconstrued character, who is seemingly shallow but is actually intense in her feelings and emotions but perhaps feels she has to hide them because of her position in society. We also begin to understand that her frailty or tragic flaw that ultimately leads to her death is perhaps her propensity to be controlled by powerful men and her need for men to show her what to think and how to feel. Whether this is as a result of a fault in her personality or as a consequence of decades of women being oppressed and degraded by the males of society we can never be sure: Shakespeare does not pass judgement here and instead leaves Gertrudes personality deliberately ambiguous prompting much debate and argument among critics throughout the last century. However subtle, Ophelia too plays a significant role riddled with control, grief and vulnerability. She is made mad not only by circumstance but by something in herself. A personality forced into such deep hiding that it has seemed almost vacant, has all the time been so open to impressions that they now usurp her reflexes and take possession of her. She has loved, or been prepared to love, the wrong man; her father has brought disaster onto himself, and she has no mother and thus she is terribly lonely. Thus, in many ways Ophelia is the quintessence of the impact societys mistreatment of women and the deprivation of their rights as human beings has on each and every one of them. In her meek conformity, she lives in a meaningless world until her madness relieves her of the responsibility of language and she can ignore the speech of everyone else and herself speak whatever gibberish comes into her mind says one critic, Zulfikar Ghose, she is very much like a delicate, wilted, flower ruled by the men in her life, Ophelia, like many women at the time, was never allowed to blossom.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

U.S. Population Is it out of control essays

U.S. Population Is it out of control essays Our world has grown by one billion just in the past twelve years, with the population reaching six billion in 1999. Nearly half of the world's population is under the age of twenty-five, and more than one billion are young people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four, the parents of the next generation (U.S. Population Policy 2000). Over ninety percent of this population growth is taking place in the developing world, in sharp contrast to Europe, North America and Japan, where population growth has slowed dramatically or even stopped. The United States is the only industrialized country in the world where large population increases are projected, due mainly to immigration. For example, in Texas, population growth could not be more evident; the population of Texas is predicted to double in thirty to thirty-five years "The population in Texas is projected to double in the next 30-35 years" "High birth rates and an influx of new residents powered Texas' population past 20 million this year" (Klein 1999). "As of July 1 [1999], [Texas] added more than 3 million residents since 1990, an 18 percent growth rate that nearly doubled the national average" "International immigration accounted for 491,931 new residents of Texas or 23 percent of the growth between 1990 and 1996, and domestic immigration from other states in the United States accounted for 466,970 or 21.8 percent of population growth from 1990 to 1996" (Murdock 2000). "Recognizing that our population cannot grow indefinitely, and appreciating the advantages of moving now toward the stabilization of population, the Commission recommends that the Nation welcome and plan for a stabilized population" (The Rockefeller Commission 2001). "The fourth, fifth and sixth billion marks in global population were achieved in only 14, 13, and 12 years, ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Relief From Tax Penalties and Interest

Relief From Tax Penalties and Interest The best way to not have to pay tax penalties or interest to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is to file your income tax return on time and to pay your taxes when they are due. However, if exceptional circumstances beyond your control have made it extremely difficult or impossible for you to do that, you can submit a written request to the CRA asking that penalties or interest (not taxes) be canceled or waived. Taxpayer relief provisions in Canadian income tax legislation make a provision for the Minister of National Revenue to grant full or partial relief from penalty or interest payments at his/her discretion, although it is by no means handed out easily. Even if you cant pay your taxes in full, file your income tax return anyway. Before the CRA will even look at an application for relief from penalties or interest, all of your tax returns need to be filed. Deadline for Requesting Taxpayer Penalty or Interest Relief In order to be considered for relief, a request must be made within 10 years from the end of the calendar year in which the tax year or fiscal period at issue ended. Reasons Tax Penalties or Interest May Be Cancelled or Waived The CRA considers four different types of situation when considering relief from tax penalties or interest. Extraordinary Circumstances: These can include disasters, such as a flood or fire which destroyed your tax records; civil disturbances or disruption in services, such as a riot or postal strike; a serious accident or illness; or serious emotional or mental distress such as a death in the family. The circumstances of some divorces could fall into this category also.Actions by the CRA: This category is for delays that were caused primarily by the CRA. Examples are if a taxpayer was not informed within a reasonable time that an amount was owing; if a taxpayer was given incorrect information; and unreasonable and extended delays in the resolution of an objection or an appeal, or in the completion of an audit.Inability to Pay for Financial Hardship: In these situations, financial hardship means that penalties or interest are causing such hardship that the taxpayer cant provide for basic necessities such as food, rent or medical assistance. Another situation might be if tax interest or pen alties are preventing the taxpayer from ever paying taxes owing. This category requires full financial disclosure and extensive and detailed supporting documentation. Taxpayers are expected to borrow money and to sell assets if possible to meet their tax obligations. Other Circumstances: For unique situations not covered by the other categories. How to Submit a Request for Taxpayer Relief The best way to submit your request is to use the form provided by the CRA: RC4288, Request for Taxpayer Relief Be sure to read Information to Assist in Completing this Form on the last page of the form for definitions and guidance. Examples of the supporting documents that are required to support your request are also given in that section. You can also write a letter and send it to the correct address. Clearly, mark TAXPAYER RELIEF on the envelope and on your correspondence. Whether you use the form or write a letter, make sure to include a complete description of the circumstances and your tax information. Make your case in as straightforward, factual and complete a manner as possible. The CRA provides a list of information to include with your request. More on Taxpayer Relief on Penalties and Interest For detailed information on Taxpayer Relief Provisions see the CRA Guide Information Circular: Taxpayer Relief Provisions IC07-1. See Also: Penalties for Filing Your Canadian Income Taxes LateWays to Pay Your Canadian Personal Income Taxes

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Law, Employment Law or Labor Law in Danskin Inc Essay

Business Law, Employment Law or Labor Law in Danskin Inc - Essay Example In this situation, the employee, the hurt party, is called the plaintiff while the employer, the source of grievance, is the defendant. This paper will examine a particular employee-employer dispute and the possible laws and remedies, if any, that are applicable to this case. The following are the facts of the case. 53- year old Kayte Clark is a Vice President for â€Å"Danskin Inc.† Clark is good-looking, enthusiastic and energetic. The employees like, respect and follow her. Legally blind after she acquired an eye disease twenty-three years ago, Clark has not been promoted to Senior Vice President twice because the company does not believe she can handle the stress or manage well because of her disability. Clark allows union representatives to send information paraphernalia to the company employees. Danskin Inc. top management is upset with Clark’s action and threatens to fire her. Clark explains the law forbids her to stop employees from being informed about the union. Danskin Inc. management is not satisfied with Clark’s explanation. Employees are informed that Clark did not have authority regarding the union representatives and are ordered not to speak to the union people. After a week, Clark has presented a one-time offer retirement package which does not include normal retirement benefits, insurance coverage, social security payments until the age of 59 or buy-out funds. Clark does not respond and is terminated after two weeks. Clark sues Danskin, Inc. Under federal laws, Danskin Inc. is accountable for two reasons. The first is the attitude Danskin Inc. management showed towards its employees and the union agents. The right of the employees to join or form labor organizations is provided in Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act or NLRA.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Camille Saint Saens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Camille Saint Saens - Essay Example His intelligence wasn’t just limited to music, for he excelled in such fields as geology, astronomy, and mathematics. Some of Saint-Saens famous works include the â€Å"Piano Concerto No. 2, Symphony No. 3 ("Organ"), and most noteworthy The Carnival of The Animals which he dedicated to close friend Franz Liszt (Cummings). Throughout his life, he produced a variety of expressive and dramatic works including poems, operas, and symphonies. In 1908 Saint-Saens had the honor of being the first composer to write a musical piece for the motion picture The Assassination of the Duke of Guise (Cummings). Inspired by French Classicism, he was especially brilliant at composing piano music like the Variations on a Theme by Beethoven and the Scherzo. His married life proved to be a great tragedy with the death of both of his children. During this lonesome period he produced some of his best works like Danse macabre in 1875 and Samson et Dalila in 1878 (Cummings). Saint-Saens was also very close to his mother and upon her death succumbed to an even lonelier and depressed stage of his life. After this he took to traveling and writing music about exotic places like Algeria and Egypt producing works like Africa and his Piano Concerto No. 5, the "Egyptian" (Cummings).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Comparing Gods and Goddesses Essay Example for Free

Comparing Gods and Goddesses Essay Years ago, women did not have much power as they do now. Women sat back and took orders from their husbands. Whatever is asking of them to do the women would have to carry out the order with no feedback and nobody jesters. Women were more humble to men and they listened and believed whatever men told them. All women knew how to do was to be a homemaker. Women did not have a problem with staying home cooking, cleaning, ironing, and taking care of the children. Women kept everything in order at home. The one thing women did not do in the home years ago was keep track of the bills. The men did the bill back then, because they were the ones bringing home the money. When it came to spending any money for the house or for the children, the man was in charge. Women were to let the men know what was needed and they will go out and get it. Today women are different; Women are more attractive and keep themselves up. Women do not stay at home and take care of the children. The women today work, go to school, take care the children, and the home. The men today are taking the back seat. The women are in control. In some households, the women are telling the men what to do. The women today have power. To the children the women can fix anything. The men sometimes have the same thoughts. Many look up to the women. The women can heal the sick and feed the hungry and cloth the naked with very little money. Zeus a Greek God had a daughter by the name of Athena. Athena was the Greek Goddess of wisdom. She is fair, strong and very merciful to all. Athena was independent and didn’t rely on anyone. She was also known as one of the three virgin goddesses. Athena was the type of women who didn’t worry about being romanced by a male. She wasn’t concerned with marriage either. To refer back to today’s culture; Athena is what you call a, â€Å"career woman. † She was always busy doing something. The modern women today are all work and no play. Greek goddess by the name of Artemis was as strong as an ox. She doesn’t need a male to protect her. Artemis is the defender and guardian of all women in childbirth. She also loves the wilderness. So she protects those women too. Artemis dislikes men because they are of no use to her. She isn’t interested in getting married either because she feels that it takes away from a women’s freedom. So Artemis is very close to her female friends. They walk the forest together all the time. Unlike Athena, Artemis doesn’t really care to deal with the city life. She would rather be in the wilderness with the animals. Even though Artemis disliked men, she allowed the young boys to come and learn new things at her sanctuary. So she wasn’t as bad as the people thought she was. She was just a strong minded woman who loved nature. She loved being outdoors. Artemis is a great defender to all. Unlike Artemis, Athena wore a helmet and walked around holding a shield. She was rational and very intelligent. She was wise and a peacemaker. She is powerful and strong like Artemis. She defends her people in war but is also a peacemaker. Artemis is young and beautiful and wears leaves to cover her body. She doesn’t cover her legs. The costume that she wears could possibly cause problems with the Greek gods because of the way it looks. She feels that her costume represents sacrificed animals. It could represent breast and fruits also. But goddess’s views were very different from the Gods. Gods are usually described in terms of the various sociopolitical roles that they fulfill. † The function of the god myths are to explain phenomena to fasten a culture, record and pass on historical events, set example for people, and set behavior standards for generation to follow. Natural phenomena’s like thunder, lightening, miracles, and seasonal changes are all associated with god myths. God myths explain these phenomena’s that people find hard to understand. For example, the Myth Persephone and Hades started by the Greeks to explain winter and why it happens. Myths of the gods and are also created and function as explanations for happenings after death occurrences of certain miracles, and the creation of the Earth. Function of myth is to justify and validate the ritual practices and cultic celebrations. At time myth are also etiological in its function, in trying to explain the causes of certain customs and practices or how a particular name of the place originated. In traditional societies myth has an educational value, it was used to introduce or stress a particular moral value. People needing to believe is a common element in all society if you get people to believe in what you are saying the will follow. Myth by nature depicts a time period that is usually a remote past, in which gods and goddesses are the chief characters. A myth usually points to an unknown transcendental reality in symbolic form. It has a tremendous psychological impact on the listeners as it makes the listeners almost believe that those things really happened. Religious people have sacred narratives, call myths, which explain how things got the way they are. Proverbs and legends escribe wisdom and phenomenal exploits â€Å"in ordinary, profane time,† myths portray the work of spiritual power in arranging the existing order â€Å"in primordial, sacred time’ (Loewen 1969b, 150). National myths describe how tribes and nations came into being. Deity myths recount relationships between humanity and divinity: Spirit myths depict the origin and functions of lower spiritual beings. Sickness myths reveal ancient sources and causes of illness. Cosmic myths describe the origin and cause of catastrophic events, such as earthquakes, lightning, thunder, drought, rain, and eclipses. Describe the elements and function of god myth just depends on the cultures and what they have been told to believe. Just like us as human we are taught to believe what we have been taught from generation to generation from our ancestor something are believable and something’s just are not but they are not question. God is often portrayed like a person who is outside us. He controls the world from outside like a king controls his subjects. He is often called Superman who moves the earth and the heaven. God is in control of the female and male divine culture. The female and male divine possess different elements and functions starting in early era of time and carried in today’s era. The male is considered the stronger, aggressive, masculine and brutish image. The female is cunningly, not weak with an inner strength voice that speaks to her soul. The male divine is the protector of the house, the provider, and control the needs of the household. The male divine only cater to his needs and not respect the female desires. The early eras of life the female was expect to stay at home and take care of the house, children, and male and not enter the working world. Society today has changed whereas the female is working and supporting the family needs and stills mange the household. Although society has continued to change the male divine found switching the roles play by staying at home and supporting the family needs. The role play has impact a different outlook on life in the male divine. Technically the female and male divine is different hormones, brains functions, and the heritance of traits from family heritage. The female is strong minded in varies subject and aspect that affects the controlling of the household. The male divine still does not grip the concept that the female divine is powerful and put here to help support the male divine in every aspect of life. Female divine are to walk beside and not behind the male. The both female and male are difference in appearance that how the attraction for each other beginning. The outer appearance attracts male to female leading to companionship. The male looks to the females to ease the discomfort with compassion, understanding, stroking the bad feeling to make it better but the opinion of the female seem unimportant to male at the first sign of the situation. Yet the male has to make a step backward to say the female opinion is right. The male ego is a huge quest for the male to let down his guards. The female and male divine continues to live in harmony and depend on the different ideas and opinion that each possess and strive for completeness. When the male and female learns to share, communicate, listen, and willingness to share the solution of all concerns coming up with right decision as one. Female and male should not be in competition for seeing who the better person is. Throughout history the elements and function has not change for the female and male divine it just seem to adapt along with society principles of what society anticipate. Female and male divine has many elements and functions to help stay focus on the various barriers of life by adapting to society changing society. Finally, the male and the female divine share the same functions. They both are in authority to give orders, and many people look up to them both. They know life will bring different kinds for issues to endure, but they are willing to go throw and handle them with the proper approach. The male and the female divine are just alike concerning their children, and being there for their children. If mom is not available, the child will turn to their dad. The male and the female are valued. They are both beautiful people with values and power they both share. They give and take orders from each other, and other people. They both share a desire to love one another, and the male divine loves beautiful, smart women can stand on her on and fix life-changing problems. The woman wants the same values in a man. The elements and functions shared by the female and the male are on going from generations to generation.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

No Death Penalty For Minors :: No Death Penalty for Juveniles

The Death Penalty is the execution of criminals for committing crimes regarded so bad that this is the only acceptable punishment. It establishes order in society by putting the fear of death in to would be killers. Although this works for the most part, one has to wonder if a child who commits murder thinks about the fact that it can lead to a death sentence. Studies by the Harvard Medical School, the National Institute of Mental Health and the UCLA’s Department of Neuroscience found that the frontal and pre-frontal lobes of the brain, which regulate impulse control and judgment, are not fully developed in adolescents. Development is not completed until somewhere between 18 and 22 years of age. In addition to this information, South Dakota is currently one of 16 states in the country that allows this practice. Based on the previous information, it is very clear that children especially those under 14 years of age, cannot and do not function as an adult. They have a greater tendency to act on impulse, making unsound judgments or reasoning, and are less aware of the consequences of their actions. In America, teenagers under the age of 18 cannot drink, vote, or sit on a jury, yet they can be sentenced to death if convicted of a crime. What these children need is rehabilitation, guidance and most importantly given a second change to mend what they did as impulsive children. On the other hand, family victims often call for the death penalty because their sibling/child had no right to die in the hands of a murderer. Since this person took their life, the family should have the right to lawfully take the murder’s life. Life in prison is not always enough for them because they have an opportunity to leave on parole, and the thought of these murderous monsters being released into society again horrifies these families, thus they call for execution. However, many states recognize that minors, especially children, are at a confusing impressionable, chaotic age of transition. If a teen commits a murder, that youth should be given the opportunity to set his or her life straight. Juveniles still have a lot of growing up to do. It may mean many years in prison and loss of their freedom, but it would also mean that there is at least a chance for a young life to reform.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Alfred Adler and His Personality Theory

Alfred Adler was born in the suburbs of Vienna to a grain merchant and his wife on the 7th February 1870. He was the third child and second son of his parents. He could not walk until the age of four due to his lingering rickets. At the age of five, he went down with a chronic pneumonia which nearly took his life, and on recovery, resolved to become a medical doctor, even at the very young age.He retained this ambition throughout his school years, although he was merely an averagely clever student who, due to a period of lack of seriousness with and loss of commitment to his studies, tended towards becoming a dullard. This tendency made his teacher write him off as one not cut out for academic success— and his woeful performance at Mathematics seemed to testify to this pronouncement. However, his father’s belief in his abilities and his own self-assurance and self-esteem spurred him on to renewed commitment and revival.He proved his teacher’s pronouncement wrong: Not only did he rise to become the best Mathematics student, he pursued his medical ambition to the University of Vienna where he achieved his medical degree. During his schooling years, Adler was â€Å"quite outgoing, popular and active† (Boeree, George, 2006).He had a strong personality and firm resolution (qualities which explain why he could sustain and realize his medical ambition in the face of his teacher’s despise and pessimism). Adler began his medical career as an opthamologist, but later turned to general medical practice.He established his office somewhere in the lower class part of Vienna, across from an amusement park-cum-circus. Most of his clients and patients were circus performers. This fact gave him the opportunity to observe, study and investigate their unusual strengths and weaknesses, which they demonstrated through their relative physiological resistances and tolerance, leading him to the formulation of a theory he termed â€Å"organic inferior ities and compensations†. He later switched to psychiatry and joined Freud’s discussion group.In this group, he got the opportunity to develop and articulate his organic theory, to which Freud agreed; however, his subsequent theory of the aggression instinct were against Frend’s beliefs, just as was his suggestion that the sexual notions which Freud upheld should be taken figuratively rather than literally.Alfred Adler sought to investigate the human personality and behaviour: what fundamentally made up the human personality and what made all human beings behave the way they did, irrespective of their backgrounds, individualities, privileges or lack of them.His conclusions, he formulated as a theory of personality In the course of the Second World War, Alfred became a Physician for the Austrian army, first serving on the Russian front before moving to the children’s hospital. This change gave him the opportunity for a first-hand observation of the war vict ims and causalities.It probably was the shock and horror from these direct observations that made him develop an interest in the concept of social interest, coming to the conclusion that â€Å"if humanity was to survive, it had to change its ways. † (George B, 2006).In 1926, he went to the United States to work as a lecturer. He died of heart attack in 1937 in the course of his lecturing.ALFRED ADLER’S PERSONALITY THEORYAlfred Adler’s theory of personality offers the underlying motivation not only of all human behavior but also for the development of the human personality. He postulated ‘a single â€Å"drive† or motivating force behind all our behavior and experience’ (Boeree, 2006). He believed that every human action, rational or irrational, arises out of an urge for perfection, out of an underlying desire for the attainment of some ideal.However, because he believed no two human beings are exactly alike, even in their responses to this â⠂¬Å"single† drive, he called this theory â€Å"Individual Psychology. † The â€Å"ideal†, also termed â€Å"perfection†, however, points to an ultimate image of himself that every individual often unconsciously harbors as the goal to which he or she must attain.Adler termed this ultimate image â€Å"fictional finalism† (Alfred Adler (1870-1937), 2007). Thus, every human action or behavior, according to Adler, is an attempt to draw nearer to the realization of his or her potentials and, ultimately, to realization of the â€Å"fictional finalism†.This attempt, which he called â€Å"striving for perfection†, is sometimes referred to as â€Å"striving for superiority† (Alfred Adler (1870-1937), 2007) ,to give it the suggestion of something attainable and realizable, and to distinguish it from the impracticality of idealism and perfectionism (â€Å"in psychology, [idealism and perfectionism]) are often given a rather negative connot ation. Perfection and ideals are, practically by definition, things you can't reach. Many people, in fact, live very sad and painful lives trying to be perfect!† ([Boeree, 2006]).â€Å"Superiority† in the above context refers to a state or situation towards which every human action is directed—be it the satisfaction of a physical instinct, meeting financial or cultural obligations or working towards the realization of a political objective.A â€Å"superiority† or â€Å"betterment† is always in view, motivating the action. ‘According to Adler â€Å"We all wish to overcome difficulties. We all strive to reach a goal by the attainment of which we shall feel strong, superior, and complete. â€Å"’ (Alfred Adler (1870-1937), 2007).The striving towards â€Å"superiority† is therefore driven by the fundamental and all-inspiring striving towards the realization of â€Å"fictional finalism†. The â€Å"fictional finalism† i s the hidden force that drives, motivates, informs and decides. It induces the urge for self-improvement. It is the spirit of all actions, however commonplace or ordinary, the heart of every aspiration, determining the range of all material or immaterial acquisitions— of all â€Å"treasures†: it defines them and â€Å"draws them to itself† in an attempt towards self-fulfillment and self- realization. Thus, â€Å"Where your treasure is, there will your heart also be† (Mathew 6:21).ASPECTS OF ALFRED ALDER’S THEORYFour aspects of Alder Alfred’s theory have been identified: The development of personality, striving towards superiority, psychological health and unity of personality (Fisher, 2001).THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITYThe development of personality begins in childhood, with the â€Å"striving for superiority† referred to above and the at-first unconscious attempts towards the realization of potentials: â€Å"children observe more c ompetent elders around them and this motivates them to acquire new skills and develop new talents (Weiten, 1992, p. 484). † (Alfred Adler (1870-1937), 2007).These attempts at acquisition of new skills and development of new talents, Adler attributes to a healthy feeling of inferiority – inferiority to the elders who have cultivated and now exhibit such skills and talents, and who now stand to be â€Å"looked up to† ( being â€Å"superior†) by the children. With time, as the potentials develop, and age and physical maturity advance, fictional finalism in the developing child makes itself increasingly felt, with such fundamental accompanying manifestations as the urge for self-assertion and the associated desire to have to control over one’s life, enjoying freedom of individuality.â€Å"People [become] focused on maintaining control over their lives. † (Fisher, 2001). These manifestations are perhaps better recognized in such phenomena later in the child’s life as: an uncompromising choice of career or life partner; inflexible pursuits of a political or sport ambition, or the devotion to some preoccupying or obsessing religious or even recreational cause.Interference or intrusion in the pursuit of these individual assertions of personality are naturally resisted by the man or woman in question, because hand in hand with the self-assertive realizations of the fictional- finalism urges goes a desire to retain control over one’s life. Acquiescing to such interferences is, therefore, unnatural for a personality.STRIVING TOWARDS SUPERIORITYSuperiority, according to Adler Alfred, is not â€Å"superior over, not competition† (Adler Alfred’s â€Å"individual Psychology†).It is, rather, a healthy urge towards self-fulfillment and self-actualization.. Every endeavor, every attempt to achieve or merely to do something is, consequently, an attempt to attain to higher or â€Å"superior† levels of personality development—an â€Å"upward movement† or â€Å"ascent† to a better situation or condition of physical, mental or psychological state. Striving towards superiority is, thus, an integral part of living; it is â€Å"innate in the sense that it is a part of life.Trhoughout [sic] a person's life, Adler believed [a person] is motivated by the need to overcome the sense of inferiority and strive for ever higher levels of development. † (Adler Alfred’s â€Å"individual Psychology†). The striving for superiority begins with the spirit of the following Biblical recommendation: Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward: he that doth keep his soul [as well as his mind, drives and impulses] shall be far from them.Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22: 5-6). In the first sentence, â€Å"keeping† of the soul – and by implication, the mind, drives and impulse s – suggests the significance of early childhood upbringing to the development of the personality. â€Å"The froward† is deducibly the individual of an unhealthy personality, one who does not â€Å"keep†, i. e. , pay attention to and take care of, the nature and promptings of his or her inherent fictional finalism.The next sentence contains a practical, resolving recommendation: â€Å"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it† Two suggestions are perhaps apparent from this recommendation: one, that the social, educational and moral upbringing of the child is fundamental to the health of its drives and impulses (to its â€Å"soul†), and, consequently, to the direction of its fictional finalism (the entirety of its pursuits, habits, peculiarities and voluntary socialization); two, that the image of the fictional finalism is composed essentially of the childhood orientation, which more or less â€Å"compe ls† the child to keep to paths of this image later in life, that is, â€Å"prevents† the child from â€Å"departing from it when he is old†.This deduction does not, however, lessen the force of Adler’s assertion of individuality of personality; for the quite observable fact that no two children are exactly alike suggests that the individuality of the child plays a role in its adaptation to and development through its childhood orientation. Identical twins under identical childhood upbringing will therefore never develop identically.While they might demonstrate similar good or bad upbringing, they will certainly not behave or think alike, nor will they aspire towards identical self-realizations. Therefore, â€Å"striving towards superiority† depends more on the individuality of the child and its upbringing than on the social, educational or cultural influences to which the child may be later subjected.PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTHThe psychological health of a personality depends on a number of factors suggested by the concept of â€Å"striving towards superiority† and by the fact that â€Å"Everyone feels inferior to a degree, which motivates us to get better†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Alfred Adler (1870-1937), 2007). These factors include:(i) Healthy inferiority feelings.(ii) Positive fictional finalism.(iii) Absence of idealism and perfectionism.In the light of the preceding subsections, these factors indicate the relevance of the assertion that â€Å"Good understanding giveth favour; but the way of transgressors is hard. † (Proverbs 13:15). Ensuring health of inferiority feelings, helping the development of a positive fictional finalism and working towards the absence of idealism and perfectionism, all naturally require â€Å"good understanding† of the workings of the personality . Such an understanding will prevent the development of a â€Å"hard†, â€Å"transgressing† personality—a personality overste pping all limits of rationality and propriety in the urges and the actualization of its self-image.(i) Healthy Inferiority feelings: Adler was said (Fisher, M. 2001) to describe inferiority feelings as â€Å"feelings of lack of worth†, which he believed to motivate the individual towards striving for superiority. However, as with everything, there are healthy and unhealthy inferiority feelings.These two kinds are naturally to be differentiated through the nature of the psychological and impulsive effects each induces. Healthy inferiority feelings, as is shown above, are progressive; unhealthy inferiority feelings, retrogressive. Unhealthy inferiority feelings can be named apart from healthy inferiority feelings by terming them â€Å"inferiority complex†, which Oxford Talking Dictionary (1998) defines as â€Å"an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The lack of â€Å"reality† in these feeli ngs already marks them as undesirable and counter-productive. Further in support of their undesirableness is the statement from Brainmeta (2007): People might cope with an inferiority complex by becoming tentative, helpless, and lazy, or by engaging in behavior, called overcompensation.Overcompensation involves trying to hide one's sense of inferiority from others and even from oneself. People who overcompensate might be vocal about their successes and qualities and exaggerate them. Also, they tend to get wrapped up in status, power, and materialism. They believe all of these things give the appearance of superiority (Weiten, 1992, p. 484). †The fostering and the sustenance of healthy inferiority feelings, as is suggested by the excerpt from the Book of Proverbs above, demand knowledge or â€Å"good understanding† of personality psychology—knowledge of such social and familial conditions as might cause psychological and personality irregularities. One source of s uch good knowledge is the implications or ramifications of Adler Alfred’s theories of personality and his assertions in the process of formulating these theories. For instance, Adler was said (Fisher, 2001) to maintain â€Å"that personality difficulties are rooted in a feeling of inferiority deriving from restrictions on the individual's need for self-assertion. † This statement clearly recommends freedom of self-assertion for children and adults alike.However, marrying this suggested recommendation to that of the Book of Proverbs excerpted above (which is another source of â€Å"good understanding†) modifies this recommendation and keeps it within limits: it suggests that freedom of assertion must be within the limits of a sound upbringing and realistic self-discipline.(ii) Positive fictional finalism and (iii) Absence of Idealism and Perfectionism are both clearly dependent on the existence of healthy inferiority feelings. The soul of all aspirations resides as much in the impulses of inferiority feelings as it does in those of fictional finalism. In other words, an individual’s fictional finalism determines the nature (and, therefore, the health) of his or her inferiority feelings.Idealism and perfectionism, as has been suggested above, can lead to tormenting self-criticisms due to the high expectations their bearer has of him or herself. It is understandable that both can derive from an attempt to overcompensate for inferiority complex— to make up for the unhealthy inferiority feelings that have developed from an unhealthy personality.UNITY OF PERSONALITYWith his postulates that there is ‘a single â€Å"drive† or motivating force behind all our behavior and experience’ (Boeree, 2006), and that â€Å"the conscious and unconscious worked together to achieve the goals of self-improvement and fictional finalism† (Alfred Adler (1870-1937), 2007), Alfred Adler suggested the existence of unity of pers onality.First, if the conscious and the unconscious work towards the common goal of self-improvement and fictional finalism, then every conscious feeling, thought, or emotion of a human being, be they pleasant or unpleasant, unite with his or her every unconscious feeling or emotion towards the fulfillment of these goals. The goal, however, is always striven towards, since it is the â€Å"motivating force behind all †¦ behaviour and experience† (Boeree, 2006).Consequently, every conscious feeling and thought is unceasingly in union and co-operation with every unconscious feeling and thought towards the attainment of the common goal of self-actualization. Second, if the conscious and the unconscious are, consequently, unceasingly united, it follows that the goals of self-improvement and of fictional finalism are in a ceaseless union.However, â€Å"Adler postulated that, beyond general [self-] improvement, each person has an ideal image they are trying to achieve†¦. This image of the perfect self is called the fictional finalism (Elverud, 1997). † † (Alfred Adler (1870-1937), 2007). Consequently, standing â€Å"beyond† the goal of â€Å"general improvement† (and connected with this goal), fictional finalism unites the urge for self-improvement, the conscious and the unconscious for a common purpose, and therefore forms the centerpiece of every drive and impulse of the personality. Therefore, unity of personality is the joint striving of every conscious and unconscious emotion, thought, feeling and action towards ultimate self-actualization.Adler therefore believed that there is an agreement among every aspiring, desiring, thinking, and acting of a human being: that unhealthy feelings of inferiority indicate the existence of unhealthy fictional finalism; that a restricted self-assertion and incomplete control of ones life can be recognized through the restricted thinking, feeling and acting of the individual in question ; that the extent of the realization of potentials is reflected in the extent of freedom of thought, opinion, speech and action of an individual†¦These deductions find support in a figurative appreciation of the following Biblical excerpt: â€Å"Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. † (Jeremiah 10:14). If the â€Å"graven image† is taken as the image of a dead, i. e. unrealistic fictional finalism, then the personality harboring such an image is bound to be â€Å"confounded† in his aspirations and his opinions, â€Å"brutish† in his outlook and expectations, and â€Å"false† in his interactions with fellow human beings.A practical example of such a person is a maniacal perfectionist whom no one could ever please or satisfy.ReferencesALFRED ADLER'S â€Å"INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY†. Retrieved April 10th, 2007 from http://www. s onoma. edu/users/d/daniels/adler. html.ALFRED ADLER. Retrieved 10th April 2007 from http://www. muskingum. edu/~psych/psycweb/history/adler. htm#Theory Alfred Adler (1870-1937). Retrieved 11th April 2007 from http://brainmeta. com/personality/adler. php.BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ALFRED ADLER. Retrieved April 11, 2007 from http://ourworld. compuserve. com/homepages/hstein/adler. htm In Cambridge Advanced learner’s Dictionary. Retrieved 11th April, 2007 from http://dictionary. cambridge. org/results. asp? searchword=opthamologist&x=12&y=8.In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved April 3, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9003744.North American Society of Adlerian Psychology. NASAP : . Retrieved April 12th, 2007 from http://www. alfredadler. org/.Personality Theory, Alfred Adler. Retrieved April 12, 2007, from http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/adler. html.Psychography : Alfred Adler. Psychography. Retrieved April 9th 2007, from http://f aculty. frostburg. edu/mbradley/psyography/alfredadler. html.The Holy Bible, King James Version. THOMAS NELSON, PUBLISHERS. Nashville. Camden. Newyork. The Oxford Talking Dictionary, 1998 Edition.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

US and California Compared

The United States Census is taken every ten years in order for the U. S. government to count exactly how many people live in the country to the best of its abilities. Aside from taking the population, the census asks many other questions, such as the age of the persons living in a given household, their race and ethnicity, the languages that are spoken at home, their educational attainment level, and household income. These questions, when answered by the entire population, provide the government a sense of the composition and the needs of its people. Without this information, public services such as education, hospitals, health care, and social security cannot be provided to all in need and therefore it is important data that deserves our careful examination. For my term paper, I have decided to compare the data of the state of California to the United States of America to discover how similar or different the sets of data may be. I would predict some of these data to be similar, such as age distribution, due to the fact that California is a relatively large state with a large enough population that it would serve as a pretty good sample of the entire nation. However, I would expect to see differences in factors such as race and ethnicity and the languages spoken at home, because California has a relatively larger Hispanic and Asian population than most other states in the US. Also, the income level of California will be slightly higher than the nation due to the existence of two large metropolitan cities in the state. The paper takes a careful look at the various socio-demographic variables that are taken by the United States Census in order to compare the state of California to the nation as a whole. The first obvious step in my analysis is to look at both populations counted by the 1990 United States census. The population of the United States is estimated to be 248,709,873 and California is estimated to be 29,760,021. This data is important to this paper because when making comparisons between the two geographic locations, I will use percentages taken from the actual data given in the census divided by the total populations. This way, the comparisons are scaled in relation to one another and it is easier to analyze and to make comparisons. The first demographic variable that I will examine is the age distribution between the two areas. The age distribution given by the population age pyramid (Graph 1) show that both are quite similar, with a pyramid-like shape starting from age 25 to 80+, with the large base of the pyramid beginning at age 25. From age 0 to 24, there is an overall tapering in from the base of the pyramid above as the ages decrease, indicating a fewer number of people aged 0 through 24. It means that the largest number of persons in both regions is between the ages of 25 and 34 in 1990. This implies that there were a larger number of births in the 1950s and 1960s than in the 1970s and 1980s. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the baby-boom children had reached reproductive stage in their lives and gave birth to many babies in the 50s and 60s. There is also relatively fewer people aged 45 to 80+. The upper narrow upper region of the graph, ages 65 and up, can be explained by the fact that the life expectancy in the United States is around 70 years old and it is natural to see a tapering off of the population at these ages. However, the age group from 45 to 64 is also quite narrow. This is most likely due to the fact that these are the people who fought in World War II. Looking at the graph, the only noticeable difference between the two regions is that California has a relatively fewer number of people aged 10 through 19. This could be due to many economic, social, and physical factors in the 1970s that affected California births, but not the entire nation. I would predict that since children of the baby-boomers (ages 25 to 34) have now reached reproductive stage, the census 2000 would show that the base of the graph would continue to grow a little bit wider, from babies being born in the 1990s. The second demographic variable I will focus on is the racial composition of California and the United States. Graph 2 shows the percentages of the total population, which fall under the five racial categories: 1. White 2. Black 3. American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut 4. Asian or Pacific Islander and 5. Other. It is important to note that people of Hispanic origin are mainly categorized as either White or Other, depending on how each individual has chosen to categorize him or herself. The category, Other, also include people who are mixed, such as Mulatto, Creole, and Mestizo. The breakdown of the races are pretty similar, as can be seen by the graph with Whites being the overwhelming majority of the total population for both regions. However, it may be interesting to note that the origins of the people who make up the White category for the two regions may be quite different. For the United States, the composition of the people who make up the White category are mostly of European origin. The origin of people who make up the White category for California also include many people of European origin, but also many of Hispanic origin. This is due to the fact that California shares the border with Mexico and therefore would have a larger Mexican or Latino population. Also due to the large Mexican and Latino population, the Other category for California is almost 10% larger than for the United States. The lower Black population in California can be attributed to the fact that the majority of Blacks in this country are concentrated in the southern states of the US, such as Alabama, raising the composition for the nation, but not for California. Lastly, the Asian and Pacific Islander category is almost 8% higher in California because many Asians tend to be concentrated on the west coast of the US. The third socio-demographic variable I will examine is language spoken at home. The first thing to note on Graph 3 is that English is spoken in the majority of homes both in California and the United States. The population speaking languages other than English at home is higher in California due to the racial composition examined above. The higher Asian/Pacific Islander and Latino concentration has raised this California percentage to twice that of the US. Of these â€Å"other† languages, the existence of Spanish spoken in homes is more than 10 percent higher in California than in the rest of the nation. Subsequently, the English at home contingent will be smaller in percentage comparison for California. This type of data is extremely important to the government because it raises issues such as the appropriateness of ESL programs, bilingual education, and public services that must be provided to the public in many languages. Comparing two different regions such as California and the US may seem useless due to the similar data, but it is differences such as these that make the census crucial data that deserve our careful analysis. Educational Attainment is another variable I will analyze between the two regions. Graph 4 reveals that in the US, highschool graduates (including equivalency) make up the highest percentage of education attained. This is not surprising because formal education in the US is required for all children until the age of 14 through 18, depending on the state, and therefore it is expected that most children would finish high school. In California, people attending some college without obtaining a degree make up the highest percentage. This implies that California†s students have a tendency to pursue their education further than the national student. The higher percentage of Californian†s attending some college can be attributed to the proliferation of junior colleges in the state. The concern for California should lie in the fact that a higher percentage of children do not progress beyond the ninth grade than in the nation. This may be attributed to the large Spanish speaking population who are cushioned in schools by bilingual teachers during their elementary and secondary schooling years but are left to themselves in non-bilingual high schools to survive on their own and as a result, drop out. Finally, the comparison of household income between California and the US shows that income levels for both regions are concentrated under $60,000 per year (Graph 5). In analyzing these data, I have taken the income data from the census and divided that figure with the total number of households, not the population, so that a direct comparison between the income of each households would be possible. In general, Californians have higher income than the US as a whole. The 1990 Census shows that the median household income of California is $35,798. This figure is higher than the national median household income of $30,056. The data on the graph shows that the higher percentage of Californians earn incomes higher than $30,000. The higher income in California can be attributed to the two metropolitan areas of Los Angeles and San Francisco as mentioned earlier and additionally, to the recent boom of the computer and internet industry in Silicon Valley, which has increased the number of Californians earning higher wages. The different variables examined in this paper have revealed several demographic trends between California and the US as a whole. While the two regions share similar demographic profiles, several differences arise upon closer analysis of the data. Generally, California has a higher concentration of racial minorities. Thus, more families speak languages other than English at home. The data also shows that a higher percentage of Californians pursue degrees in higher education than the national percentage. Since college graduatess and advanced degree holders tend to earn higher wages, the data for household income is consistent with the previous observation as more Californians are in the higher income bracket. It can then be concluded that California is more racially diverse than most other states, and that Californians tend to do better economically than the rest of the nation. This type of analysis would not have been possible without the United States Census, which I believe is an important tool that allows researchers to do their own analysis with the hard data that it provides. The different conclusions I have drawn from this paper clearly indicate a need for different public programs that are specifically designed for each individual state because the United States is not made up of a homogeneous group of people, but is composed of an exremely diverse group of individuals.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Think Tanks and Special Interest Groups

Think Tanks and Special Interest Groups Free Online Research Papers Interest groups are organized group of individuals who share common objectives and who actively attempt to influence policymakers in all three branches of the government and at all levels. Encompassing primarily corporations, other business associations, citizen groups, unions, and professional associations, interest groups participate in every aspect of policy-making in the U.S. In this essay, I am going to write about the history and purpose of three interest groups: National Right to Life Committee, American Civil Liberties and The John Birch Society. The National Right to Life Committee is one of the largest pro-life organizations in the United States. Their purpose is to work through legislation and education to work against abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide (NRLC.org). The organization was founded in Detroit in 1973 in response to the Supreme Court decision of Roe V. Wade. The trial was very controversial issue for it time. The Roes case required state to allow women to have an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy. This allowed women a choice if they would like to keep a child. The reason why this trial was controversial is that it dealt with abortion. The history behind the initiation of the National Right to Life committee is about a women name Roe who was a pregnant woman from Texas that wanted an abortion, but an existing statue prevented her from doing so. The Texas statue, originally passed in 1857 outlawed abortions except to save the life of the life of the mother. Roe filed a lawsuit i n the federal district court on behalf of herself and all other pregnant women. Roe wanted to have the abortion statue declared because the 1857 statue passed in Texas was unconstitutional. It is stated that it was an invasion of her right to privacy guaranteed by the first, fourth, fifth, and ninth amendment. Therefore the Supreme Court declared the Texas abortion statue unconstitutional. The American Civil Liberties Union is an interest group that is concerned with limiting governmental influence into areas it feels are part of an individual’s private life and outside the domain of authoritative control. And, it actively engages in attempting to limit governmental and institutional intrusion into these areas of civil life. Also, The ACLU believes that each and every member of society posses certain liberties and freedoms as human beings and citizens that can not be infringed upon nor negated. This organization was founded in 1920 by a group of citizens and wanted to defend and preserve the individual rights an liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States. (ACLU.Org) The John Birch Society is a conservative American organization that was found in Indiana in 1958. The purpose for this organization was against the growing threats to the Constitution of the United States. It defends what it sees as the original intention of the United States Constitution. They are against collectivism which is viewed as Socialism, Communism, and Fascism. The history about this organization is about a man name John Birch, who was a United States military intelligence officer and a Baptist missionary during the World War 2. He was killed by armed supporters of the Communist Party of China in 1945. Because of this outcome, the John Birch Society was created in order to stop any anti-communists. (JBS.org) American Civil Liberties Union. 2007. 6 Nobember 2007 John Birch Soceity. â€Å"Truth, Leadership, Freedom†. 6 November 2007. National Right to Life Committee. 2007. 6 November 2007 Research Papers on Think Tanks and Special Interest GroupsPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyQuebec and CanadaThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPETSTEL analysis of IndiaCapital PunishmentUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Action And Necessity For All Human Beings Marketing Essay

Action And Necessity For All Human Beings Marketing Essay CHAPTER 1 Eating is observably a daily action and necessity for all human beings. Depending on individual’s reason for eating at restaurants, individual intentionally or instinctively assess a multifarious set of attributes ahead of choosing a restaurant. The significance involved to these restaurant attributes is ultimately evaluated in the customer’s mind, leading to a decision of purchasing. Some factors, like age, company and even social division come into take part in to amplify these attributes as the customer makes a decision of dining (Johnson and Champaner, 2004). The restaurant industry has undoubtedly not been free from either augmented competition or from increasing customer expectations regarding quality. In the greatly competitive food industry, large operators chain have a propensity to gain competitive gain in the course of cost leadership, likely only due to standardization and economies of scale beginning from large market shares, while smaller, indep endent restaurants on the other hand endeavor to gain benefit through differentiation (Lowenstein, 1995). Branding keeps on gaining importance in the marketing of restaurants services and marketers have spent lot of money to create and give support to brand images. This have seen in the marketing of strong and well defined brands like Mc Donald’s and Kfc fast food restaurants which attracts the customer through their marketing , service and by making brand loyal customers of their products. This increases the retention rate due to satisfied and loyal customer. Particularly, there is lot more to discern about customers perceive restaurant brands and the comparative weight these links get during purchase decision as there is lot more to discern about customers perceive restaurant brands and the comparative weight these links get during purchase decision. According to the Kaplan and Norton (2001), the importance of the perceived quality in order to get the retention effect in re staurant industry is always considered as a main element to retain in the customers and the business. The main reason behind that in this industry entry barrier are usually low and any one can easily enter due to investment required that is not on the higher side. So the point is that when ever consumer is satisfy from the arrangement by the management, the quality of the food provided by the staff members with the positive attitude than this result in increasing the loyalty towards the particular restaurant and increases the retention intensions of the customers. 1.2 Problem Statement To identify the process to gain customer retention to the services and what are the factors that influence the customer retention. The primary problem is to identify the customer retention in the detail that includes factors of dining attributes and customer satisfaction in context to Food restaurant industry. Thus these factors leads to consumer behavior and customer revisit the restaurant 1.3 Resear ch Hypothesis Assessment of service quality has a significant effect on the customer retention. 1.4 Outline of the study The purpose of study fold in two parts: one suggests that how important is dining attributes in term of Re-patronage intentions and second part suggest the customer satisfaction which leads Re-patronage intentions in restaurants. The role of dining attributes and customer satisfaction is very important for knowing the customer intentions, would they will visit to that restaurants again or not. There has been a strong support for the espousal of consumer retention in restaurants as one of the key performance indicators. It has found that there is a high association between customer retention and the profit earn by the industries. The fragmentation of media choices and the active nature of the marketplace, tied with an enlarged number of additional demanding and prosperous consumers, brought bigger challenges to marketing practitioners in keeping hold of their regul ar customers.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Collective Bargaining Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Collective Bargaining - Assignment Example Just like many cities in the United States of America Seattle was seeking to have the minimum wage for their worker increased to fifteen dollars per hour. Once the minimum wage is raised, then the local government would have an easier time supporting families that are not so stable as a result of their income. One might feel that such an increment would negatively affect the business owners but on the contrary the businesses would register higher profits due to increased productivity of their products. This is because once the employees’ salaries are increased then they would have been motivated and hence work more efficiently (White, 2014). Fast food workers and those in their support staged strikes outside their places of work and into the roads to protests what they felt was a violation of their rights since they worked but felt that their salaries did not match their work and the standard of living in Seattle. According to White (2014), another reason as to why there was a strike in Seattle was because people were losing their jobs yet a report indicated that the state had witnessed an increase in its income. The report that was published indicated that Seattle had gained over five thousand industry jobs yet over five hundred people had lost their jobs. In Seattle’s magazine it was stated that most of the restaurants had started closing don but one would argue that statement because a many restaurants had closed down in the past for different reasons. Both sides had their various opinions on the subject matter.