Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Native American History Native Americans - 1099 Words

Native Americans A few thousands of years before the famous and high recognized explore Christopher Columbus’ ships landed in the Bahamas, a distinctive group of people discovered America. The ancestors of modern Native Americans who hiked over a â€Å"land bridge† from Asia more than 12,000 years ago. In fact, there is an estimate that more than 50 million people were already living in the Americas. As time passed, these migrants and their descendants pushed south and east, adapting as they went. In order to keep track of these diverse groups, anthropologists and geographers have divided them into â€Å"culture areas,† or rough groupings of contiguous peoples who shared similar habitats and characteristics. The history of the Native American community goes back thousands of years. Native American history covers tribes who built cities and other who subsisted by simple hunting and fishing. Some tribes had quite sophisticated forms of trade, and in later generations, money was used. Other tribes were mainly hunters and gatherers and wished to remain so. Native American history often includes battles between tribes, and the Iroquois were known as effective warriors. However, they included tribes they conquered into their sophisticated political system which included governing many small nations and forming legislative bodies. When European explorers settled the continent, many tribes who once fought against each other were joined by a common enemy. However, some tribes were soShow MoreRelatedNative American History : Native Americans1879 Words   |  8 Pages†¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯Native American Lives Since the beginning of time, conquering other societies has been a common occurrence. Almost every battle that has taken place has been documented. When stories of past battles are retold, only one side of the tale gets told, the victor’s side. In history, the ones who have been defeated never get to present their perspective of the tragic quarrels. Most never even lived to tell the stories, but the ones who do survive are not thought of as important accounts in history.Read MoreNative Americans And American History988 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout history, relationships between the Native Americans and the United States have been nothing but battle torn, and unfortunately have followed a consistent path of betrayal. There is no denying the universal fact that Native Americans have been unfairly treated and portrayed throughout American history. According to American history written during and after the war the Indian Wars that occurred were very subjective, and prejudiced in its depiction of the Native Americans. For example oneRead MoreNative Americans And American History1036 Words   |  5 PagesNative Americans do not experience enough social, political, and economic equality today because their stereotypes are portrayed in media, they do not have enough government representation, and they are not as well off as most Americans. Education plays a big part in how Native Americans are represented. Many schools, according to â€Å"The Coddling of the American Mind,† are overprotective of their students, thus censoring and limiting some important topics that students are required to learn. ThisRead MoreAmerican History: Native Americans 829 Words   |  3 PagesHave you ever wondered what it would be like to be Native American during the European invasion? In American history Native Americans were treated unfairly. The American government mistreated the Natives by lying to them and treating them as foreigners. After years of fighting for freedom the Natives did not achieve their goal for freedom. The Trail of Tears, being the most tragic event in American history, was due to the Removal Act in the 1830s, the misguidance of President Andrew Jackson, theRead MoreNative Americans And American History1396 Words   |  6 PagesNative Americans have remained a prominent aspect of American history; not jus t a history of the people, but a history of the land and the extensive traditions that shadowed it, like footprints in the sand. However, when the Europeans staggered over with indifference towards the natives and their unusual customs, a conflict erupted that dates back hundreds of years and continues into the present. As the United States grew further more intolerant of the natives, the daring judgment to either assimilateRead MoreNative Americans And American History Essay969 Words   |  4 PagesNative Americans, or Indians, as they were mistakenly called, have been the â€Å"pathetic footnotes to the main course of American history† (Axtell 981). But James Axtell, the author of Colonial America without the Indians: Counterfactual Reflections, would beg to differ. He says that instead, Indians played a key role in making America great. James Murray gives another term to describe America’s greatness: America’s â€Å"exceptionalism.† Throughout his art icle Axtell makes many points as to why IndiansRead MoreNative Americans History1879 Words   |  7 PagesWhen asking a child, educated or not, what they ideas are when they hear the term Native American where does they mind venture to? More than likely do they not consider the former House of Representative, Charles D. Curtis or professor pitcher Joba Chamberlain. But they also do not think of a Native American as being an average person, a boy/girl like themselves. What children believe to be Native American are descriptions such as, feather headdresses, tomahawks, and long braided hair or scalpedRead MoreThe American Of Native American History Essay2006 Words   |  9 PagesLong before Europeans landed on the east coast of the American continent, native peoples were living and thriving across the land. This is historical fact that is taught in schools across the country. However, much of the rest of Native American history that we are exposed to in schools really does not refl ect truth. While the broad lessons capture parts of the story, the reality is that much of the history is distorted and paints an inaccurate picture of the tribes and how they were treated by settlersRead MoreNative American History And History785 Words   |  4 PagesAs we speak and history verifies the very fact of the long-standing planning practices of American Indian that had enabled them to survive through every hurdle placed in the way. Although many Native American societies didn’t have a written language, many tribes were advanced enough and had written history or organized spiritual ceremonies and practices. Many tribes were destroyed and others moved far away from their ancestral home. Since the origin, and till now, American Indians have been ableRead MoreThe History of Native Americans Essay1102 Words   |  5 Pagesbrought suffering and death to Native American tribes. In the United States, Indian groups were willing to live with the newcomers until relations were strained by the continuing immigration to its territory, loss of resources, diseases and among other. Certainly, there were cultural differences between Indians and newcomers, but at the beginning; diplomacy, communication and consideration made the relations between them more bearable, but after a while, native were faced with people who

Monday, December 16, 2019

Reminiscences of the Japanese Occupation Free Essays

In his seventies, Mr Rajoo is my uncle. He showed great enthusiasm and related his experience in Tamil during the 3 hours interview. His accounts shed light on the ways how individuals inject meanings to a particular subject. We will write a custom essay sample on Reminiscences of the Japanese Occupation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Background Mr Rajoo was born in 1930. He was the second son in a family of 10 children. His family lived in a village in Sembawang which was near to one of the Naval Base which was owned by the British. When the Japanese invaded Singapore, Rajoo’s family staying in North of Singapore then they moved as far as Tampinese. His family used a bullock cart to transport some of their properties. They stayed away from their home for a year. Then they returned to their village. So he had a chance to witness the Japanese rule in other parts of Singapore as well as his own hometown. The Dark Years of Japanese Occupation The impending presence of the Japanese on Mr Rajoo’s daily life was felt as early as 1941. As a 11 years old boy, his family and he faced severe shortage of food and other necessities like medical. ( Q1 ) When the British surrendered, they did not want Japanese to enjoy the fruit of their labour. All the rice in the warehouse was sprayed with limestone. As limestone is white, the Japanese did not suspect any foul play by the British . So those who ate the rice had diarrhea . Japanese took over much of the foodstuffs and other goods for the use of their army. Due to the food shortage, essential food stuffs like rice, salt and sugar were controlled. Ration cards which limited the amount of food for each person was given out. ( Q4 ) His family lived on a simple diet and found other food substitutes for those food items which were scarce. Tapioca and sweet potatoes were used as substitutes for rice ( Q3 ) and palm oil or coconut oil was used as cooking oil. Even in schools pupils grew and took care of the vegetable plots. This was the widespread situation in Singapore during the Syonan-To years. Many historians have written about the food scarcity during the Syonan rule. There are a lot of evidence to state that during the Japanese rule, many people suffered from malnutrition and diseases as they did not have well balanced meal. Those taken as prisoners of war also suffered under the iron grip of the Japanese and many died out of malnutrition. Transport during the Japanese reign Mr Rajoo recalls bicycles being widely used as mode of transport during the Japanese reign. (Q6) So much so that even after the Japanese surrender, Rajoo and the other villagers working in the Sembawang Shipyard used bicycles as mearns of transport to travel to work. Tri-shaw which consisted of a bicycle with a side-car attached for a fare-paying passenger replaced the former richshaw. He stated that the Japanese bicycles had only thin solid rubber tyres. He also recalls in the interview to have seen a lot of motorcars before the Japanese rule and not during the Syonan-To period. Some historians state that there must have been tens of thousands of vehicles, many new and the majority of the rest in good condition were used by the Japanese. These great fleet of transport fell to the Japanese as booty, when they captured Singapore. However, the lack of spare parts, or technical skill, or both, made the fleet diminish rapidly to a deplorable state so much so that it almost faded by the time the Japanese surrendered. Transport was a big problem for the local people tthroughout the Occupation. (1) The Japanese were in control of the world’s rubber and many oil fields. 2) They forced many motor vehicles to run on coal gases or inferior petrol made from vegetable sources. Public vehicles dwindled and cars ceased to be available for almost all other than Japanese. School Experiences Mr Rajoo recalled how he had to learn Japanese language in his school. He could still recall some Japanese sentences. ( Q5 ) It is remarkable to know that even after 60 years he is able to remember some Japanese sentences. (Q5) All this had been instilled in the young minds at a very tender impressionable age to gain people’s allegiance . School children were taught to face the direction of Tokyo where the Japan Emperor resided and sing the Japanese Anthem. (Q5 ) So the Japanese tried to influence the school children to become patriotic towards Japan. This is another aspect of their rule where they tried out propagandas. Several historians have concurred the same evidence regarding the Japanese intention to remove the western influence and premote the Japanese culture and values. Japanese lessons were published in the newspapers and broadcast over the radio. In order to encourage people to learn the Japanese language, job privileges and extra allowances were given. Different methods were used to influence the minds of the people in Singapore. Radio stations were controlled by the Japanese and radio sets were sealed so that people could only listen to local broadcasts. Those caught tuning in to foreign broadcasting stations were severely punished or killed. Through the interview, I realized that Rajoo’s family and the villagers also did not own any radios. They were afraid of being punished. Japanese – The Disciplinarians Tthroughout the Syonan-To rule, the people were constantly living in fear because the Japanese took harsh action to establish control over the people. Those caught looting were shot or beheaded and their heads were displayed at public places. Those who were passing by must witness such a scene if not they will be called back to look directly at the decapitated head. ( Q8 ) Barbed wire was also put up across roads to form roadblocks. The Japanese guards would make the people passing by to bow to them as a sign of respect. Anyone who did not do so would be slapped, killed or punished in some ways. When the children forget to show respect to the Japanese soldiers, these soldiers will use their knuckles to hit on the children’s forehead . Those sthrong men found at home not working will be immediately sent to work. ( Q8 ) Those who were sick should still report to work. They despised men idling. The Japanese Treatment of the 3 main races in Singapore According Mr Rajoo the Chinese suffered the most during the Japanese Occupation. Many Chinese in Singapore had sent money to help China fight Japan. So the Japanese wanted to weed out the anti-Japanese sentiment among the population. They carried out the Sook Ching Operation. They ordered all Chinese men between 18 to 50 years of age to report at the mass screening centers. Then the men will be questioned. The Japanese, however, had no proper way of finding out who were against them. Those who the Japanese thought were against them were taken away in lorries. Thousands of Chinese were taken in this way to Changi Beach or other beaches where they were shot. ( Q7 ) Some Chinese who very desperate to save their lives disguised themselves as Indians or Malays to avoid the scrutiny of the Japanese soldiers. Mr Rajoo recalled that Japanese were not overly suspicious of Indians nor the Malays. However, anybody who were thought to have acted against the Japanese interest were severely dealt with. They will be either punished or killed. (Q7) Japanese role in instigating nationalistic feeling According to Mr Rajoo, the Japanese associated Indians in Singapore with Gandhi and his movement in India. Gandhi was fighting for India’s freedom from the British Colonial power. Japanese told the Indians in Singapore that Japan would help India to get rid of the British rulers. They also wanted all Indians to join the Indian National Army to fight the British in India. Subhas Chandra Bose, the founder of INA was allowed to come to Singapore to collect funds for his establishment. Historical facts also seemed to prove the relevance of his statement. From the interview, Mr Rajoo didn’t portray as someone anti-Japanese. Probably his family and he did not really undergo much torture by the Japanese. He definitely seemed to have welcomed the Japanese for one reason. The Light of the South From the interview one would deduce that Mr Rajoo sthrongly feels that the Japanese brought on the nationalistic fervor among the citizens. ( Q9 ) Nationalistic feeling caught onto some people like the forest fire and the thirst for independence was ignited due to Syonan-To. How to cite Reminiscences of the Japanese Occupation, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Human Resource Management Implementing Process

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management for Implementing Process. Answer: In order to select the skilled engineer at CERA, certain selection methods should be followed and implemented. Two of the methods of selecting the engineers have been discussed. Preliminary interview- This technique has always been effective for the organization as the before selecting people for any particular post, it is necessary to design the job requirements. Hence, the HR manager has to take the responsibility of the entire selection process (Kalleberg, 2013). By implementing this process, CERA could eliminate unqualified application based on the information provided in the application forms. The major focus of this particular method is to reject misfits. On the contrary, a preliminary interview is usually called a courtesy interview. It helps the company to form an effective public relation. For the post of engineers, the recruiters need to focus on the qualification of the candidates such as their academic records, project management knowledge, decision-making skills and problem solving techniques. Selection test After the preliminary interview process, the candidates who qualify the preliminary interview are now called for the selection test. In this particular test, some particular HR skills are examined. There are different types of tests conducted base on the requirements and the organization. However, for CERA, the recruiters need to focus on the skills that are research and civil engineering aspects. Notwithstanding, as the focus is on the aboriginal people, it is necessary to test their cultural skills, local market knowledge and other civil engineering aspects. In addition, the tests can also be conducted in the form of aptitude, personality and ability test to understand how effectively an individual could perform the activities related to the job (Campbell Knapp 2013). Once the candidates are qualified, they are asked for the next process. Discussing, merits, and difficulties of the chosen selection method As CERA is one of the largest research associations, it has different types of job categories ranging from HR activities to research designs. However, among the vast category, the post of engineering has been selected as the significant category for increasing the aboriginal people in the organization. There have been certain difficulties associated with chosen selection method. It has been observed that sometimes it becomes difficult for the organizations or the recruiters to select the candidates based on the preliminary interview and selection test. Most of the candidates are observed to be unsuccessful in dealing with the real life issues at the workplace (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). Many candidates lack the real-world knowledge; therefore, dealing with the fresher candidates based on the selected methods may not be effective. On the contrary, by selecting the aboriginal people, the organization could utilize the people to the fullest since aboriginal people have intensive knowledge about the market. For example, by selecting aboriginal people in engineering, the organization could justify its increasing workforce. The selected candidates for the post of engineering could further contribute to project management and research (Holmes, 2013). However, the organization could implement the above mentioned methods to select the aboriginal people as the company could gain other benefits such as intensive market knowledge. References Campbell, J. P., Knapp, D. J. (Eds.). (2013).Exploring the limits in personnel selection and classification. Psychology Press. Holmes, L. (2013). Competing perspectives on graduate employability: possession, position or process?.Studies in Higher Education,38(4), 538-554. Kalleberg, A. L. (2013). Book review symposium: Response to Reviews of Arne L Kalleberg, Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s to 2000s.Work, Employment Society,27(5), 896-898. Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), 1-14.