Monday, February 17, 2020

Advanced HealthCare Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Advanced HealthCare Management - Assignment Example Likewise, the understaffing and being overworked could result to errors (medication errors, documentation errors, and even errors in the effective deliver y of patient care); as well as low morale, low productivity, job dissatisfaction, and high turnover. As reported in a news article, â€Å"a study of physicians in Massachusetts released today indicates poor RN-to-patient ratios in hospitals are resulting in significant harm and even death for patients. According to the survey, physicians rank understaffing of registered nurses as the biggest problem in Massachusetts hospitals directly affecting patient care† (Massachusetts Nurses Association, 2005, par. 1). The proposed solution to this motivational problem are as follows: job redesign through (1) a review of the staffing requirements based on the number of patients that are regularly confined in the health care setting; (2) determining the most appropriate nurse-patient ratio; (3) hire new or temporary nurses as deemed needed to addressing understaffing concerns, either on a short-term or long-term basis. Through these recommendations, the root cause of the problem would be determined through identifying the current number of patients who are being attended to, as well as the current supply of nurses in the organization. Current changes in the external environment could have significantly altered the demand and supply of patients and nurses which contributed to the problem. The second motivational problem is inadequate support or resources. For instance, in a nursing unit, there should be some expected level of supplies, equipment, medications, and hospital forms which are critical in undertaking the stipulated responsibilities. The list could include medical supplies and equipment in the emergency cart, prescribed medications, as well as patients’ charts and forms, among others. If any of these are inadequate, the performance of nurses would be jeopardized in terms of potentially affecting the level

Monday, February 3, 2020

Follow instruction Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Follow instruction - Assignment Example My inspiration was the ability to control everything in my life as everything went according to my life. Simply put, I had everything going as I wished. To some extent, I even controlled my then boyfriend who we dated for approximately 6 years; throughout my campus life and after campus. Life was to change after campus when I realized that life is not about forcing things to happen but compromising on some things to gain others. My first blow was when my long time boyfriend left me after so many years of dating. He complained of the fact that I always controlled his life and I never gave him time to live his life. With time I decided to leave my home and live independently. Even after lot of advice that I was not prepared to live independently, I thought I was always right, so I moved out. It became very difficult to survive on my own especially without a job. In my mind I knew I was right. Since I was a graduate, I thought getting a job would be easy. This was the complete opposite as I struggled without a job and rent to pay. I suffered a lot in life and even opted to start drinking to seek solace. Life was getting worse by the day. I got a job later and moved out of town. It is at this juncture that my life started changing. I learnt that life is all about compromise. No person is right, and no person has the right to undermine and despise the other. With this bitter truth in my mind, I have learnt to live with all manners of people regardless of their social status, beliefs or even race. To some extent, I have changed for the better. I have moved on from my past mistakes and adopted a new lifestyle. I got married two years ago, and I have learnt to appreciate my husband whom we have a cute daughter. Conclusively, life changes play a critical role in shaping a new person. I am no longer proud and unappreciative of life’s little blessings as luck never waits for a person. I also learnt that forgiveness is vital in successful life. Forgiveness is not about